To be successful in the stages of the Dukan diet, one must follow the basic rules for each phase. The key to success for this diet is discipline. Check out the rules for Attack Phase, Cruise Phase, Consolidation Phase and Stabilization Phase.

Attack Phase Basic Rules

For 2-7 days, you can eat as much as you want of in any of the allowed 72 high-protein foods.

  1. Foods must be prepared without any oil or fat and have any visible fat removed.
  2. Don't deprive yourself from eating 3 meals a day. Never skip meals.
  3. Never forget to include 1.5 tablespoon of oat bran in your diet daily.
  4. You can have spices, lemon zest, soy sauce, herbs, garlic, vinegar, onions, shallots, gherkins and mustard to add flavor.
  5. No alcohol intake.
  6. Take multivitamins.
  7. No excessive exercises during the first days of the diet.
  8. No fruits allowed or any fruit juices that contains sugar or fructose.
  9. Observe the general rules above.
Cruise Phase Basic Rules

Cruise phase is guided by alternating pure protein days and vegetable + protein days (PP and PV days).
  1. Don’t use Tomato Sauce or Ketchup, unless it’s a low sugar variety.
  2. No starchy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, celery, cucumber, asparagus and tomato.
  3. Continue consuming the 72 protein-rich foods with added 28 vegetables that are allowed in this phase.
  4. General rules and the attack phase rules are applicable to this phase except for the daily oat bran which is now increased to 2 tablespoon.
Cruise Phase Basic Rules

This is the maintenance phase and commences once you have achieved your weight. This is also the phase where a great possibility to gain few pounds is at risk, so be careful of what you eat.

  1. You are allowed of one fruit per day.
  2. Avoid white rice and potatoes even though you are allowed of 2 starchy meals a week.
  3. No need to rush yourself of celebration meals. You can have small amounts of fat gradually.
  4. Have at least 1 Pure Protein (PP) day during the week. Just a guard not to gain weight.
  5. Your daily oat bran increases to 2.5-3 tablespoon.
  6. Exercise and take multivitamins.
  7. General rule applies.
Stabilization Phase Basic Rules

You've done a great job in following all the rules!

This is the ongoing lifestyle phase of the Dukan Diet. In this phase you are allowed to eat anything you like and not regain any weight providing you use the rules of the Consolidation Phase as a guideline and have one day of the week to eat only protein foods.